Put very simply, there is far too much bland out there already, too many me-too brands
What possible value can there be in just sheepishly following the herd, in diving into a sea of sameness and hoping that you don’t go under and end up drowning. The bland following the bland, and just blandly going where every other bland has gone before, is such a pointless pursuit – unless of course your ambition is simply to become the bland leader and to be seen to be distinctly bland as opposed to a distinctive brand.
There’s just far too much bland out there already. So, what is the point in trying to outbland the bland, in just jumping on the already overcrowded blandwagon and running the risk of becoming just a.n.other anonymous blot on an overpopulated blandscape? Do you want to be seen as the go-to brand in your market or as just a.n.other me-too bland on the way to becoming another example of the bland that time forgot?
It’s time to think about brand not bland if you want to stand out from the crowd and build a real brand built on a compelling brand promise rather than on an empty bland promise. If you want to build a strong brand that’s built on your purpose, your why and what you need to be seen to stand for, call Phil Strachan, The Think Brand not bland Guy, on 07770 753975 and ensure that your business or organisation will not be seen to be just a.n.other brick in the wall.
If you don’t want your business or organisation to be seen to be suffering from delusions of blandeur and to be committing wanton acts of mindless blandalism, it’s time to throw away the bland guidelines manual. It’s time to realise that a logo is not a brand – nor is it a name. They are part of what stand for your brand. They are brand identifiers and how you recognise a brand – but your brand is what you stand for, your purpose, your why.
Put very simply, there is far too much bland out there already, too many me-too brands
Why just blandly go where every other bland has gone before – unless you are determined
That’s precisely what too many businesses are seen to be and it is not a recipe for success.